Saturday, October 13, 2012

Looking at beautiful creation

NZ is just changing free-to-air TV channels from analogue TV to digital TV which gives a fantastically clearer picture. We have discovered one channel called 'FirstLight' which has wonderful scenes of nature; mountains, country-side, flowers and animals in nature. It has a regular intermittent program called "Moments of Peace" that has relaxing music playing as the scenes change. I find it a great way to refresh my mind & spirit, particularly when busy and tired. It only takes me a few moments, then I carry on. The TV channel can be found online here 

Mother enjoyed another particular program that gave glimpses of our wonderful universe, also through FirstLight TV. The resource can be found on  Mother finds looking at the planets and their beauty wonderful and exciting, reaffirmed in her faith and marveling what a wonderful artist her God is. Going 'outer-space' is a lift from her present surroundings.

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