Encouraging Mother to Exercise

Entertainment over the Christmas break was difficult due to not being able to go out and about so much. One day I got the Wii Sports and Fitness Board out, telling my visiting brother that I had bought it because I had heard of it being used for rehabilitation with the elderly. Mother watched us playing the Wii Sports or balance board/fitness games. She loved the activity and didn’t want to miss a thing, as stayed awake when she normally would have napped. We finally managed to get mother to take the fitness test. With one person each side and one behind her for safety, we assisted Mother to stand on the board. It weighed her, age and height were entered and then mother did some simple balance tests by pressing her feet to get the marker on the spot. She managed this and her fitness came out 5 years younger! This encouraged Mother, and she set a goal to lose some excess weight by her birthday.
Today, Mother watched me demonstrate a jogging exercise. I suggested she stand with her walker before her to hold for safety and walk on the spot. She did this and her ‘jog’ began. Seven minutes later, after a couple of rests (suggested by the game), Mother finished it!  What is more encouraging for mother is she burned up 45cals. She has now set a goal to do some each day.
 Photo shot is celebrating mother getting to the finish line of the jogging course J.

Update 06/Jan/2011

Mother was keen to do exercise again this morning and completed the jogging exercise (walking) a minute faster than yesterday! And 42 cals less as a reward for her determination. Mother was prompted by the game when slowing and rested when she began to feel breathless. She restarted when she felt ready. 
After this Mother decided to try the balance exercises and managed the ski jump twice!! Holding her walker was necessary for safety as she bent her knees and straightened them for the exercise.

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