Saturday, October 27, 2012

Answers Found

Mother often would ask “why?’ repeatedly when she became distressed over the stupidity of Politics, seeing disasters and suffering, observing wars, famine, corruption and poverty on TV. I would be at a loss to explain it myself. We both had faith in God, but He represented love. How could this be happening? It didn't seem fair.

I looked at my own life since taking on the care of Mother. I admit there have been difficult times as I had to adjust to suddenly stopping work, when enjoying my job and not intending or feeling ready to stop yet. The sudden change of plans and removal of my ‘independence’ as I became tied to 24 hour care-giving left me feeling lost. What was happening to my life?

Mother may die soon. Facing her dying was scary. How would this journey end?  Life seemed out of control. Sometimes, when tired from disturbed nights and not being able to switch off in case needed, I would feel sorry for myself and have to work on my attitude. Life had thrown me a curve ball and it didn't seem fair.

Other times during my life I had observed others seem to have really great lives, the sort I could only dream about. Others have got away with corruption, evil and oppression. Death has always been an enemy, to be feared. It was depressing and I didn’t feel comfortable with ‘life’ in a world that is so unfair. 

Then one evening I was watching a new channel on TV (‘FirstLight’) and found answers so simple yet revealing a deep inner truth to me. It excites me, so I just have to share it here. 
As a Christian, I always knew the bible promises one day Jesus will come again. Silly how I never connected before that when Jesus comes, He will put things right! Wars, poverty, injustice, pain, illness, death, loss, grief, hunger, suffering, loneliness, rejection, hate, inequality, aging, strife, oppression, lies, violence, stigmatization, corruption, will all be dealt with and put right!  What a wonderful revelation. Thank you 'FirstLight'.

One day all that is unfair in life will be put away and Jesus will put it right. What a hope to look forward to. At death Christians like Mother can say “goodbye until morning”. It’s not goodbye forever. Christ shall come again and we shall all be raised. What a reunion! When I see all that is unfair, I know this world is not my final home. That is my answer to unfairness in life here

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